Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lilies of the Valley in a Mason Jar

There was a time when I liked elegant vases of cut glass or Swedish crystal.

That was before I inherited vases and planters from my mother and grandmother and had little of my own, and little money to spend on such frivolous items.

So I never bought flowers for myself, and because I lived in a downtown apartment, had no garden. From time to time, I would crave a glimpse of the countryside and that was when I would flee the city.

Now I live in a small town and have a garden of my own, with enough flowers for picking.

And I prefer Mason jars.

Even before they became trendy, they appealed to me: An artless look, much like worn blue jeans. Comfortable and casual, to match the person I've become over the years.

It is lily-of-the-valley time in my garden and they are there for the picking and the wonderfully delicate and sweet aroma they bring to my house. I try to pick every one I find, because while the leaves remain green throughout the summer, the blossoms fade and turn to brown. They are a reminder to live every day to the fullest.

Little things - lilies of the valley and Mason jars - make life rich on a spring weekend.

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